ADHD housecleaning the right way
Posted by Melanie Unruh , Sunday, December 22, 2013 10:02 AM
ADHD housecleaning this morning.
- Put a load of clothes in the wash.
- Choose one horizontal surface to clean off. Continue until said horizontal surface is done or the laundry needs a change.
- Take out the trash on the way to change the laundry.
- Spend some time at the work bench. Continue until creative idea peters out or the laundry needs a change.
- Take stuff that goes to car to car on the way to change the laundry. Bring back the Christmas wreath that Sheila made for me last year and hang it on the door.
- Choose another task. (I did dishes.) Finish dishes and transfer to workbench until laundry needs a change.
- Change laundry. Hang the sweet surprise from the storage unit - some Steamy ornaments that I'd picked up last year - on the tree.
- Fold laundry.
- Write a blog entry.
- Take a shower.
- Choose one horizontal surface to clean off. Continue until said horizontal surface is done.
- Rinse and repeat.
In short, cut the overwhelming living room into chunks interspersed with something fun, and something that requires a task change. I can now see the entirety of my futon couch, my fancy bench, and the kitchen counter. I have probably a dozen more ornaments in process and just did some Christmas decorating, and have clean jeans in which to go visit Frederick and Robin this afternoon.
I'd say it works.
Shiny. I will have to give this a try.