ADHD and Me (and Us)
Posted by Melanie Unruh , Sunday, April 20, 2014 8:32 AM
Thinking a lot about things today.
I'm making connections between the way my thought/organizational processes work, and situations that I've encountered both in the past and presently. As I examine my reactions to situations and others' reactions to what are (justifiably) perceived as my own failures - in light of my ADHD (dys)function - I'm gaining understanding of the "whys" and learning strategies to cope and improve. I'm also gaining the ability to allow other ADHD/creatives to be intense and focused and featherheaded without being critical.
OTOH, there are plenty of opportunities for me to be irritated. No, I'm not forgetful and I don't fail to follow through because it "isn't important enough". I don't miss deadlines because I don't care, and my house doesn't look like this because I'm a slob. I don't struggle with finances because I'm a deadbeat.
The only way to really understand this is to be "in here". It seems that my therapy is to be one and to know many.
I resemble at least some of those remarks...and yes. Recognizing these behaviors in others makes it easier to cope with my own.